Thanks so much and please keep it up - that would spell an amazing future to ADOM!!! (and before anyone asks: No, it wouldn't harm ADOM II).
Additionally a flood of shares, likes and messages broke out and I in this whirl didn't even have time to check and visit the various forums, etc. There's so much to do and organize and the outpour of love and support has been nothing but fricking amazing!!! You are the greatest!
But now for the serious stuff:
Studies concerning crowd funding campaigns show that the initial interest in good campaigns usually is extremely high in the beginning, then dies down to almost zero, and then rises back to the beginning levels at the end of the campaign.In other words: While a simple calculation might easily indicate that the campaign will be able to collect more than $500.000 (scaling it linearly from the current point) we still can be anywhere between something like $5.652 (not likely), $12.000 (more likely) and some high points (and we all want to get there to ensure a bright future for ADOM ;-) ).
Or in even different words: Please do not stop supporting the campaign over the next couple of days and weeks. I'm absolutely convinced that we need to keep up the momentum and I will try to ensure that with updates - but there is a very long and very hard way ahead of the campaign. If we manage to pass the basic funding goal I'm sure things will become easier as I have lined up a load of cool stretch goals that daily will offer new incentives to move the campaign forward even more - but till then it's a long way!
Personally I believe that the ADOM campaign has a chance to work very differently from more standard campaigns on crowd funding campaigns for the following reason:
- ADOM had hundreds of thousands of fans during its golden age (1996-2002) - at least I assume that from download numbers I know.
- The feedback was generally very good and people really seemed to care about the game.
- Fan activity slowed down (understandably) during the dark age of non-development (2003 until now).
- If we now manage to inform ADOM fans about the current chance to rekindle the flame it should be possible to reach tens of thousands of people at the very least. Now imagine what a $10 pledge can do from each of them.
- So spreading the word continuously for the next 60 days seems to be the most important activity in order to reach as many people as possible. And for that I really need your help!
To sum it up:
- Thanks for all that already happened - this is just awesome!
- Try to keep up the support. Blog about the campaign, post in forums and on mailing lists, share the information on Facebook and Twitter and cause as much noise as possible wherever fans of the roguelike genre might be found! We'll need all the support we can get and I really want this to succeed in order to produce the best version of ADOM ever.
- Together with the team of Jochen, Oneiros and Krys even ADOM II need not suffer from that.
The stars are right, my friends. The stars are right...
Hi Thomas, it's very fantastical at the moment but have you thought about what it would mean for ADOM if you did raise $500k for development?
ReplyDeleteYes, because I like to dream. It would mean years of continuous ADOM development - but I have no details for that unlikely occasion ;-)
DeleteIf this is successful than it should be an in game holiday (or multiday festival event) in ADOMII. By the way I would love to make myself available as an option for interviewing. I will send an email eventually.
ReplyDeleteYes, the Ancardian calendar needs more elaboration in any case (also for ADOM II).
DeleteYou mentioned elsewhere (I forget where) about "upgrading" our donations, or however you view it. I'm planning on doing that. I'm getting married (in Mexico!) next spring and again in New Orelans (where I live) a week later to accomidate all our guests (all her family lives in Mexico, and mine in New Orleans). Money is a bit tight for me right now, planning two weddings, but I gave $100. I can work it up to the $250-$300 level, but I'd rather get a single $250 perk than 3 $100 perks. I'm not really giving to get the perk, but I'd still like it. Is there a convienent way to add to my earlier contribution, or should I just give seperately and get with you after? Is there some way to work this out like I want? I'll give the money either way, just curious.
ReplyDeleteI was planning on a donation upgrade as well, I am also curious as to how this would work.
ReplyDelete(I have two more paydays between now and the the end of the campaign, both of which I will be topping up my original donation)
Info on upgrades from IndieGoGo's site:
"Work it out with the dev" is the conclusion. TB has said elsewhere that he'll honour this.
How about releasing 1.1.2 halfway through to generate more interest/publicity? As I understand, some bug-fixes are already done...