Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Dear ADOM community, I wish you all the merriest of Christmas Days (even if you happen to follow some other religion or no religion at all - enjoy life to the fullest in any case ;-) ).

Thanks for your support during easier and harder times, your belief in the game and the vision for it. We will be doing everything to make the resurrection of ADOM something very long lasting!

Also special thanks to Team ADOM - my valiant compatriots in the resurrection:
  • Jochen Terstiege for being a programming master mind who day by day manages to restore my belief in the potential for longevity in the ADOM code a bit more (and you should see the ideas we are discussing right now for 2014 - but that's an issue for my 31st of December blog post ;-) ),
  • Krzysztof Dycha, who gave ADOM a visual identity and continues to amaze us every day with neat new graphical design ideas,
  • Lucas Dieguez, who has given ADOM a voice and an audible identity and has a slew of cute tricks up his sleeves that we will introduce on you - the community - over the next prereleases to come, 
  • Zeno Rogue, without whom it probably not would have been possible to actually provide a graphical interface for ADOM - his work on NotEye is just marvelous (and thanks to Darren Grey for coming up with the initial idea before the crowd funding campaign - see what you have done ;-) ).
But the biggest thanks have to go to the thousands and thousands of ADOM fans out there. Your support continues to amaze us every day and the game would be nothing without you. We are grateful for all the tiny fun moments you provide us with, all the feedback and enthusiasm and the endless stream of support - keep on hacking ;-) !

And if you want to gift us for Christmas - vote for ADOM to become the Roguelike of the Year 2013 (no registration required, but note that the blog and the poll to the right have problems with mobile browsers - you need to switch to desktop mode)

Edit (15:42): And here's a small Christmas gift from Team ADOM, composed by Lucas - a cool Mad Minstrel song. The first one with an actual voice in it - be patient, it's about 80MB in size! Enjoy! Edit (15:58): And here's the MP3 version for download provided by Jochen ;-)

P.S.: For those missing information about ADOM II - yes, the game with continue. But for now the resurrection of ADOM has prime attention as it might drive everything else for a very long time!


  1. I forgot where I can check in to get my builds of ADOM in progress, my email is lerugray@gmail.com and i donated to the indiegogo campaign, any idea where i can find the builds? need to kill some holiday time.

  2. Yaaay!
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    May the lone star lead you to this remote valley.

  3. Merry Christmas to Team ADOM and everyone!
    Just a few hours ago did my first ultra ending (ULE) after playing this game in 1997 for the first time - thanks for the awesome work and countless hours of fun to the whole Team and especially the Creator!

    PS It's at last time to tackle the one thing left... the postcard quest awaits.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Adom is leading for one vote at this point
